Romantic comedies not bullshit. 

Doesn’t matter how big/small, or hard/simple, or horrible/plaine it might have been. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s not important or if people think it’s a tiny little thing that will pass away and shouldn’t bother you. If you have one of those days or (in my case) one of those weeks where you’re mopping around eating ice cream and watching movies to distract yourself after a pain of heart situation; if you tell yourself it ain’t that important, you’re better than this, and try to hide your real feelings about it. Please, watch a romantic comedy.

Watch it for the sake of love! Watch it because it’ll restore you’re faith in men; there’ll still be jerks, but it’ll pop you’re eye for the ones who are worth it; and even if it’s the fantasy of the Prince Charming, who we all have trouble believing in, it’s worth it! I assure you it’s worth it. Because when you see all those feelings, all that impossible love, all that corny endless fantasy, it makes you wanna have that. And if you understand it you’ll see, it’s not all dust fairy and bullshit, there’s a real thing that any of us can get, if we only wait, prepare ourselves and look hard enough. 

I’m not telling you it’ll solve your problems, and neither will it erase your sorrow. But it’ll help you a little, somehow. Movies do that. My advice on this particular case is that of romance. 

                                                                                From the mind of a hopeless romantic.