Am I fat?


Sorry I haven’t posted anything lately. I recently went back to college after my 2 weeks (that I can barely call a vacation) of rest. Nevertheless, I am here and something is bothering my head.

Yesterday began like any other day. I got into my classes, hanged out with my friends, got my train of thought lost in the clouds above me; normal everyday stuff, until… (dramatic music) a friend and classmate of mine approached me. He reminded me about a trip we had taken a year before with other classmates, for school purposes. Then told me he had been looking at pictures of the said trip…

Now, let’s make a pause to evaluate. You (or anyone) might believe human intelligence is evolving through time, right? That men and women have learned of their mistakes, that stories about how to treat each individual have become regular so mistakes won’t repeat themselves. Well, not to sound like a men-hater, but HOW STUPID CAN A GUY BE to tell me I’ve gained weight since that fucking picture was taken. Yes? No? I don’t fucking know? I understand sometimes people tend to tell the truth, and truth (even when it’s uncomfortable) it’s freedom, right? But to tell something (even as a joke) just to tease me a little, regarding my weight, it’s stupid and annoying.

Maybe I’m over reacting. But somehow, in the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt like my self-esteem is slowly exploding in little bubbles of thought around me, saying “you’re not pretty enough” or “you look fat” and “nothing fits you anymore”. And yes, all of this is because of physical appearance; and yes! Maybe I could do more about it. But is it so hard for people to know better than calling others in what they feel insecure about? I guess at the end of it all, it isn’t so much about my weight, but rather my confidence and self-esteem.

To anyone who feels or has felt this way before. You’re beautiful don’t let your mind take that away from you.

Love always, Sam.

Book Review

Today I felt like giving my opinion of any book I’ve read lately. And the book I chose is… (drum roll, please)… The History of Love by Nicole Krauss!

It’s simple, but so complicated. The book is filled with beauty in so many ways. The first time I read it, I didn’t get the hand of it properly. Not until I finished it; and I guess that’s somehow good, since it kept me reading, waiting for all the paths to connect. When I finally seemed to began understanding what was happening, it was incredible. The whole story is amazing, filled with a complete background and extraordinarily interesting characters.

I think what I loved the most about the book is the fact that there are a bunch of beautifully creative paragraphs, that tell simple every day things but manage to make you shiver; your heart responds immediately. This book is with no doubt one of my favorites. I fully admire Nicole Krauss in her writing.