High standards 


Hello! You might have noticed I haven’t posted anything since a while back, (if you didn’t noticed, it’s okay. I know I’m not that important). My deepest and sincerest apologies. I could give you a thousand reasons of why haven’t I’ve been up to this, but they all sound like excuses, so I’ll just skip that. 

Anyway, I’m here and now; writing to you about an epiphany I had about less than an hour ago. 

While I was at the gym, (yes! There’s been a few changes I’ve made. Exciting ones!) jumping on top of a really small box (the smallest there was), I started thinking:

“Maybe I could jump on another box, a not so small one.” 

I gave it a try, and mid way through the jumping I decided it was a bad idea, and that I couldn’t; and so I went back to the small box. Few seconds after this I realized it wasn’t that I couldn’t, but that I was scared. Maybe also that I wasn’t ready to jump on another level of box; because honestly, even though the other box didn’t seemed so big, my jump wasn’t very high. 

Somehow all this made me think about my standards, and I felt bad for thinking maybe my standards were as small as the box I was jumping on. But I know myself very well, and I knew that was complete bullshit. Because, to be honest, comparing all the sizes of boxes, my standards are the highest. And that made me feel even worst, because if my standards are so high, why am I jumping on the smallest box? 

Maybe I’m not ready, maybe I’m just scared, or maybe I just need some more time. But maybe if I keep waiting for time to come, it won’t! And that’s the truth about it all. We are never ready, or we don’t feel like we are; we are always scared, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is letting fear stop you from reaching your standards. And sometimes you may feel, your standards are too high, too unrealistic, too impossible. But let’s  think about it…your standards are never unrealistic, but if you want to reach them, you have to work for them. 

It isn’t simple, but it is what we want.