Romantic comedies not bullshit. 

Doesn’t matter how big/small, or hard/simple, or horrible/plaine it might have been. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s not important or if people think it’s a tiny little thing that will pass away and shouldn’t bother you. If you have one of those days or (in my case) one of those weeks where you’re mopping around eating ice cream and watching movies to distract yourself after a pain of heart situation; if you tell yourself it ain’t that important, you’re better than this, and try to hide your real feelings about it. Please, watch a romantic comedy.

Watch it for the sake of love! Watch it because it’ll restore you’re faith in men; there’ll still be jerks, but it’ll pop you’re eye for the ones who are worth it; and even if it’s the fantasy of the Prince Charming, who we all have trouble believing in, it’s worth it! I assure you it’s worth it. Because when you see all those feelings, all that impossible love, all that corny endless fantasy, it makes you wanna have that. And if you understand it you’ll see, it’s not all dust fairy and bullshit, there’s a real thing that any of us can get, if we only wait, prepare ourselves and look hard enough. 

I’m not telling you it’ll solve your problems, and neither will it erase your sorrow. But it’ll help you a little, somehow. Movies do that. My advice on this particular case is that of romance. 

                                                                                From the mind of a hopeless romantic.

A little piece of my writing… 

And that’s how she knew. Abandoned in that little old library. 

She looked down at the words scribbled on the book she was holding, thinking that if he actually liked her, he wouldn’t have left. It was all a fantasy, a fantasy she created herself. And she wasn’t mad, she was sad; having constructed all this idea of a perfect person that didn’t exist. She was sad, for how perfect it all had seemed, and how untruthful it was. She looked back at him, already walking away, and she smiled to herself, thinking…“Well, finally everything is going back to normal”.

Glorious Donut


I’ve had a bunch of epiphanies lately! So let me start telling you that YES, I’ve started exercising a couple of weeks ago (four, if I’m not wrong). My brother was the one who encouraged me, (and my classmate who insinuated I was gaining weight… And myself too), he started doing cross-fit about 5 months ago; he lost weight, shaped himself, and gained a better mood.

Now, I’ve heard from other mouths that exercising helps lower anxiety and depression, and since I have both I thought “What the hell, let’s give it a try.” At the beginning my goal was to see what happened with my body in 3 months (because that’s how long it took to see a change in my brothers body). I go 6 days a week, and eat like I normally do; cereal at breakfast, a not heavy meal and occasionally a low dinner like cookies or quesadillas. 

I know that part of losing weight is not only exercising but having a good diet. I’m not good at either of those, and since I chose exercising, I just try and choose wisely what I eat. Sometimes I feel guilty for eating too much, having a candy, or a sugary treat. But yesterday I had an epiphany, which I’d like to call a “glorious donut epiphany”. Why? Because I was doing my grocerie shopping, when I spotted a donut and decided to eat it. It was glorious! A glorious donut. And while I was chewing that donut and enjoying the moment, my mind said something like this: 

“Who cares about being skinny? What I need to be is happy…and love my body.” 

Since I started exercising, I’ve felt more loving towards myself. Somehow, even though my body hasn’t changed, I’m more accepting of it; I feel like I’m doing it good. I’m writing this while eating one of my favorite cereals; a very sugary one! But I’m also thinking my goal has changed. I don’t need to be skinny to be happy, I need to love my body and care for it. 

So yes, I’ll continue to eat donuts…occasionally of course! And treat myself once in a while. But I’ll also continue in this crazy journey, of loving myself just as I am.