Glorious Donut


I’ve had a bunch of epiphanies lately! So let me start telling you that YES, I’ve started exercising a couple of weeks ago (four, if I’m not wrong). My brother was the one who encouraged me, (and my classmate who insinuated I was gaining weight… And myself too), he started doing cross-fit about 5 months ago; he lost weight, shaped himself, and gained a better mood.

Now, I’ve heard from other mouths that exercising helps lower anxiety and depression, and since I have both I thought “What the hell, let’s give it a try.” At the beginning my goal was to see what happened with my body in 3 months (because that’s how long it took to see a change in my brothers body). I go 6 days a week, and eat like I normally do; cereal at breakfast, a not heavy meal and occasionally a low dinner like cookies or quesadillas. 

I know that part of losing weight is not only exercising but having a good diet. I’m not good at either of those, and since I chose exercising, I just try and choose wisely what I eat. Sometimes I feel guilty for eating too much, having a candy, or a sugary treat. But yesterday I had an epiphany, which I’d like to call a “glorious donut epiphany”. Why? Because I was doing my grocerie shopping, when I spotted a donut and decided to eat it. It was glorious! A glorious donut. And while I was chewing that donut and enjoying the moment, my mind said something like this: 

“Who cares about being skinny? What I need to be is happy…and love my body.” 

Since I started exercising, I’ve felt more loving towards myself. Somehow, even though my body hasn’t changed, I’m more accepting of it; I feel like I’m doing it good. I’m writing this while eating one of my favorite cereals; a very sugary one! But I’m also thinking my goal has changed. I don’t need to be skinny to be happy, I need to love my body and care for it. 

So yes, I’ll continue to eat donuts…occasionally of course! And treat myself once in a while. But I’ll also continue in this crazy journey, of loving myself just as I am.